Wednesday, October 5, 2011 Lets You Radically Remix and Share Web Pages Without Any HTML Editing

Most people do not know how to work with HTML code. Most people like to share web pages, but do not know how to make modifications to those pages when they share them. Does this sound like you? might be just what you need. Using to share copies of an interesting webpage is easy and the service lets you modify the page to show what you want to show and add useful effects to the page. Taking out the unimportant parts lets the viewer focus on the reason you shared the page in the first place.

Getting Started with BO.LT

You have the option to use with out signing up if you want to test it out. However, there are benefits to creating an account.
1-bolt signup

Custom URL

When you create an account you have the option to choose a custom URL. Yours will be something like this.
7-bolt custom url
You can also rename the link to be more descriptive of what you are sharing.
8-bolt custom url renamed
By having an account you can keep track of how many people are clicking on your links. If you are using more descriptive URLs, you can test the wording you use to see what people respond to.
9-bolt link stats

Modifying web pages

This is the most unique feature of To start, you will need to add a link to the copy bar and press the red Copy it button.
2-bolt copy it bar
For simplicity  the Google homepage was used. As you mouse around on the page, you will see red boxes around the elements you can eliminate or replace.
4-bolt edit page 1
When you have something highlighted and want to delete or replace it, Right-click on the area. You will see a box with options pop up. There will be an option to delete something, add a link to that part of the page, change the background of that section or replace the image. The BG image option changes the background image.
5-bolt edit page 2
Here is the Google homepage with everything but the logo removed. If you make a mistake as you are eliminating or changing objects on the page, there is an Undo button that takes you back one step at a time.
6-bolt edit page 3
Or the Google homepage with green beans replacing the background.
10-bolt google green beans

Sharing your creation

When you are all finished and want to share your creation with the world, you can share it easily on Facebook and Twitter. If you want to share it elsewhere, you can use the link provided.
11-bolt share this
If you are really proud of your masterpiece, you can also download it and print it.
12-bolt download

Conclusion could be a very good tool for sharing your ideas. Making spoof web pages is a snap. You can take out or replace pictures on a page. Change the background to something really off the wall. There are a lot of imaginative uses for a web app that can let you effortlessly modify web pages with no coding knowledge. It can be a really fun service to use to share stuff on Social Networking sites in your friend circle.
What ways do you have to use modified webpages? Share with us in the comments.

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