Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cloud computing - a new technology trend in Vietnam

Recently, the theme of "cloud" is one of the owners to be most pronounced in the technology event in Vietnam, especially after the workshop "Journey to cloud computing technology "organized by Microsoft on 2/3/2011 in Hanoi, with participation of over 300 IT professionals and leaders of enterprises.

Cloud (Cloud Computing) can be understood simply as: the source computing giants such as software, services ... will be located at the virtual server (clouds) on the Internet instead of home computers and office (on ground) for people to connect and use whenever they need. With services available on the Internet, businesses do not have to purchase and maintain hundreds or even thousands of computers and software. They just focus was produced by someone else worry about infrastructure and technology for them. You have access to any resources that exist in the cloud (cloud) "at any time and from anywhere through the Internet.

Cloud computing - the era of new technology 

Thus, the concept of cloud computing is just perfect for a new trend by many businesses do not currently have no dedicated servers, PC only installed some basic software also all depends on the cloud. For example, they sign up for website hosting services company, rental revenue management tools from, retrieve data from market research organizations Survey Monkey ... And of course, they use Google to search, analyze, share and store documents.

Current status of technology development, "cloud" in Vietnam
Predict whether the world would be a "technological tsunami" but the term "cloud computing is still relatively new in Vietnam."
IBM is a pioneer enterprise opens cloud computing center in Vietnam in September 2008 with first customer is a joint-stock companies and communications technologies in Vietnam (VNTT). Then, Microsoft was one of the giants continue the cloud in the Vietnam market, but is still in experimental stages of development.

According to Mr. Vo Tan Long, CEO of IBM Vietnam: "Cloud computing is no longer a trend that is actually taking place. It can be said Vietnam is one of the first country in ASEAN and put to use cloud computing. From 2008 to now, more and more customers look to cloud computing services from IBM. "
Next, the cloud began in Vietnam there are positive signs when the FPT - the leading technology in Vietnam has confirmed their position in the vanguard of technology with the signing of the Microsoft Asia Trend Micro to co-develop "cloud" in Asia. Commenting on this partnership, representatives of Trend Micro, said that cloud computing will bring opportunities for Vietnam by a completely new technology will help the youth of Vietnam which are active will be more creative and conditions develop their talents.Also, with the potential of human resources, infrastructure and especially the "availability" of FPT two sides will not only provide services in the cloud in Vietnam that will be a global reach .
After the conclusion of a week, continue to cooperate with FPT giants Microsoft on May 05/2010.The heart of this partnership is an agreement to develop cloud computing platform based on Microsoft technology. Both sides in the same direction to the development platform for cloud services, including communication, collaboration, data storage and other infrastructure services, to serve the needs of large customers.
Most recently, "Journey to the cloud" (Journey to the cloud technology) with the motto "New ways to do new things" is the topic seminar held by Microsoft last Tuesday at 02/03/2001 Hanoi, has attracted the participation of over 300 IT professionals and leaders of enterprises. This demonstrates the problems of cloud computing is attracting the attention of many domestic enterprises, who are in search of solutions to improve productivity for businesses.
However, following the 2.3 day workshop, "Cloud computing Vietnam Day 2011" (On Cloud Vietnam 2011) took place on 9 / 3 in Hanoi also made ​​the comment: although cloud computing cloud is being widely applied in many developed countries in the world by the significant benefits it brings, but in Vietnam enterprises have not really salty, but with this technology. But according to experts, this is the best solution for our enterprises to reduce costs and increase work efficiency at the maximum.
On the status of cloud computing applications in enterprises in Vietnam, we can draw the following conclusion: There are now several large enterprises in Vietnam brought into cloud applications and business performance improved significantly. However, the number is quite small. Much still stands at attention and learn.
Cloud development in Vietnam - many challenges
Not outside the general trend of information technology in the world, Vietnam is gradually approaching cloud services through a number of projects of foreign companies such as Microsoft, Intel ... This technology is considered the solution for the problems that many companies are having such a lack of capacity of information technology, investment costs limited ... Most of the leaders of information technology are expected to fairly comment on this technology.

whether cloud development in Vietnam? 

Mr. Duong Dung Trieu, FIS Chief Executive said: "We recognize the many benefits of working together to build data centers using technologies of the Microsoft cloud. Both parties share the vision of the future of computing-where the cloud services will become popular and are widely used in Vietnam in 2015 - and we have become the target leader in this new field. "
According to Nguyen Huy Cuong, CEO of the nebula Consulting, now many companies are not wasteful exploitation of natural resources such as full capacity of the server system, investing too much about the human face. Meanwhile, in theory, cloud computing will allow companies not to focus so much on infrastructure or upgrading applications, without requiring large human resources and can easily scale as needs change .
Mr. Hoang Le Minh, Director of Institute of the software industry and content of Vietnam (NISCI), confirming the cloud is what the world as well as the information technology sector in the country and this is towards the factors promoting the transition of business.
However, according to Intel's expert identified the cloud is definitely not for everyone and for every need. Although the benefits of cloud computing is undeniable, but businesses need to consider different factors to consider when cloud computing applications, specifically: technical barriers and safety information and capital to modern business processes by utilizing information technology, reduce spending on hardware, software, security software by outsourcing the infrastructure, flexibility and the ability to extensive resources of information technology applications before deciding on cloud production.Vietnam is no exception.
Sidelines of the conference "On Cloud Vietnam 2011," said Phan Thanh Son, director of technology company Cisco, share difficulties in implementing the cloud in Vietnam. According to him, policy issues, and transmission bandwidth of the enterprise is aware of the biggest challenges with this new technology.
Also, some businesses said they are already using cloud services such as Google Apps for free, but still need time to learn more of the benefits and risks over the safety data. Mr. Nguyen Thien Tam, director of customer Sutrix Media Corporation in Vietnam, said that if the use of cloud computing services requires each employee to have certain skills in information technology. The company has used Google Docs, but only in the degree of exchange and share documents.
Not only that, Mr. Le Duc Decision, Deputy Director of JSC Transport World, said he was still afraid to give information related to financial services companies to the cloud because do not know their data elsewhere on the network. He also said decision model cloud computing applications depend heavily on the Internet but not necessarily always have access to the Internet.
In short, he wrote the words of Le Minh Hoang - Director of Institute of Software Industry and Content of Vietnam - to end this article: "The nature of cloud computing is the convergence of achievements research and development of new technologies; views on IT application in the world today as well as Vietnam. Cloud is also one of the most ambiguous concepts ever we encounter. It's like something in the air, in the clouds, we can not recognize them. But it is also the goal that the current IT industry is moving toward the media. "
It can be said cloud computing is creating opportunities for enterprises to operate efficiently, intelligently and cost more. Vietnam enterprises are favorable conditions for using these utilities. The problem is that the leader of a daring enterprise application management technology into the operating business or not only. So even big companies or small scale, you should also try to use this service, otherwise you may have missed a business opportunity in the future.

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