Saturday, September 3, 2011

Convert Documents to PDF and Save Them Online

Since Microsoft added built-in document-to-PDF functionality to their Office suite, there have been no shortage of document to PDF converters appearing on the Web. Some are better than others, and some are even better than the one built into Office—most of them just do a standard conversion.
Splarchive adds an extra feature to the standard conversion. It converts documents, spreadsheets and presentations to PDFs, then stores them in the cloud for safe keeping.

Click the Join Now link at the top right of the window.
Enter your name, email address and a password, then agree to the terms of service. Click Sign Up when finished.
sign up
You are then prompted to enter your email and password. Click Sign In when finished.
Sign In
The main console for Splarchive loads, but you cannot upload or convert files from here—you can only view and download saved files. To upload and convert a file, email the file as an attachment from the email address with which you registered to
It will take a few minutes for Splarchive to convert and upload your files. Files appear on the left of your screen when finished. You may need to refresh the page to see your files. Click any file and it will open on the right side of the window. You can download individual files from there.
To download all of your converted files in one zip file, click the Download My Stuff link at the top of the page.
We like the idea of being able to convert and store PDFs in the same place, but Splarchive has a rather restrictive size limit—just 20 MB. The Buy more link next to the size limit has a message that says Not Implemented Yet when we try to click the link. This is probably because the service is still in Beta, but we would really like to know what storage prices are going to be like. We could run through 20 MB in five minutes—more storage is definitely needed for the service to be truly helpful.

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