Saturday, October 15, 2011

Build a Unique and Colorful Resume the Easy Way

Making your resume stand out in a large pile of other resumes is a challenge facing all job seekers, especially in a weakened economy. Depending on the job for which you are applying, a creative and visually appealing resume can mean the difference between being called for an interview and not.
Many apps for creating resumes that stand out in a crowd are appearing on the Web. One of the easiest-to-use apps is Resumesimo.

Mask Your Email Address

Back in the early days of the Internet, we used handles, like those used by truckers and ham radio enthusiasts, to hide our identities. We lived in relative anonymity, saying whatever nasty thing we wanted in chat rooms and forums, never worried that anyone would trace our online activities to our offline lives.
As the Web has evolved, we have turned more towards openness. Social Media connects us with our real friends who know our real names. Our email addresses have also evolved to reveal our real names.

3 Chrome Extensions To Help You Write Better

chrome writing - intro
With a show of hands, how many people think they suck at writing? Everyone is insecure about what they write. The truth of it is, you learn as you go. Sure, you can go to school and learn the proper way to write, but it’s like math. Once you know the basics, you will rely on outside help to make you seem like you know what you are doing.
All of the below links are to Google Chrome apps and extensions from the Chrome Web Store. Many applications like MS Word or Open Office have some of these features built in, but not everyone used those apps to write. And if you are using a web-based word processor/ text editor application, you may not have any of them.

What To Do if a Malware Infection is Found in Windows

Every day, whether in our work or our personal lives, manage valuable information, which naturally do not want to get into the hands of others.
When we suspect that this may be happening in fact, many of us do not know how to behave and, therefore, we make some mistakes that are best avoided.